Arizona’s Top Rated Marijuana Expungement Attorney
Dove Law Firm is a trusted, top-rated marijuana expungement attorney in Arizona that has five star reviews across the web including AVVO, Google, Yelp, and more. Our team is committed to ensuring that your rights are protected and that those who have been convicted of past marijuana crimes have the means to become full, free citizens once more. Our dedication to our clients is built on the foundation of providing affordable and efficient marijuana expungement representation in Arizona.

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Real Results from Real Clients
Arizona Marijuana Expungement Defense Attorney
Our Arizona marijuana expungement attorneys have a strong track record for success defending clients who have been accused of a variety of charges. From DUIs and criminal speeding, to marijuana defense, our skilled weed marijuana expungement defense lawyers in Arizona can give you the results you need to get your life back on track. With dozens of client testimonials to back our stunning reputation, Dove Law Firm is a first rate Arizona marijuana expungement law office that will work tirelessly to help clear your record of past marijuana offenses. To learn more about the types of charges we are able to help you expunge, consult with our weed expungement lawyers in AZ to schedule a free consultation.
I used dove law for an offense last year. Easy to work with, knowledgeable, and took out the pain of going through the attorney and court process. He is the real deal. Recommend him to family and friends ever in need with his services.
Shawn is a great attorney, absolutely wonderful!!! Any questions I had he answered and always gave me the best advice! Was always on time with everything! Hands down the best attorney! Would definitely recommend him!!!
I recently went through a divorce and Shawn was very helpful through this complicated and stressful period in my life. He was very knowledgeable and was always willing to listen and answer my questions in a very timely and professional manner. I really felt like he was on my side and wanted the best for my situation. I highly recommend Shawn Dove to anyone seeking quality legal help, Shawn was great to work with.
Best Arizona Marijuana Charge Expungement Attorney
PROPOSITION 207; Smart and Safe Arizona Act.
Arizona Revised Statute States
Great news to those that have a qualifying charge of marijuana on your record. Starting in 2021, we can petition the court to have that charge expunged, or permanently erased. This enables you to have a clear record from these charges that could inhibit you from seeking employment, education and other opportunities that may significantly improve your life. “ARS 36-2862 Expungement: petition: appeal; dismissal of complaints; rules Beginning July 12, 2021 an individual who was arrested for, charged with, adjudicated or convicted by trial or plea of, or sentenced for, any of the following offenses based on or arising out of conduct occurring before the effective date of this section may petition the court to have the record of that arrest, charge , adjudication, conviction or sentence expunged:” The offenses include possessing two and one-half ounces or less of marijuana, possessing not more than six marijuana plants for personal use, possessing paraphernalia. See the exact language of the Official Proposition here

Another beneficial portion of Proposition 207 is major criminal justice reform, especially for Arizona marijuana users. Under the proposition, possession of up to an ounce of marijuana will no longer be considered a felony in the State of Arizona. Arizona was the only State in United States of America that still considered possession of marijuana a felony. It is unbelievable that it has taken this long to decriminalize use of marijuana. Countless cannabis users now have a felony record for possessing a substance less dangerous than alcohol.
The passing of Proposition 207 is extremely exciting from a legal standpoint. No other Arizona charges are eligible for expungement (see past blog…) The only recourse to any Arizona Marijuana charge in the past was a petition for a Set Aside Judgment of Guilt. If signed by the judge, this Arizona Set Aside of a Cannabis charge would only signify that the Defendant had completed all the terms of the plea agreement. These charges would still be on your record and show up when someone ran a background. Now, most of Arizona criminal convictions with charges involved with marijuana can be expunged, or permanently erased from your record.
What changes did Proposition 207 make to marijuana policies in Arizona?
Proposition 207 legalizes the possession and use of marijuana for adults that are 21 years of age or older in Arizona. No longer will it be a felony or even a misdemeanor to possess a certain amount of marijuana. Individuals are permitted to grow no more than six marijuana plants in their residences if the plants are within a lockable enclosed area and out of the public view. Proposition 207 places a 16 percent tax on marijuana sales, in addition to the existing transaction privilege tax and use tax. Revenue from the tax was divided between districts to fund municipal police, sheriff, and fire departments; fire districts; the state’s Highway User Revenue Fund, and a new Justice Reinvestment Fund.
The Arizona Department of Health Services will adopt the rules to regulate marijuana, including the licensing of marijuana retail stores, cultivation, and production facilities. DHS was required to first accept license applications from existing nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries, which would be eligible to hold both nonprofit medical marijuana and for-profit marijuana licenses, and potential marijuana businesses within counties that have one or zero nonprofit dispensaries. Proposition 207 adopted a Social Equity Ownership Program (SEOP), which was designed to issue licenses to entities whose owners are “from communities disproportionately impacted by the enforcement of previous marijuana laws.”
As stated above Proposition 207 also allows anyone convicted of certain marijuana-charged crimes to petition for the expungement of their criminal record. This process is likely to begin July 12, 2021. Call Dove Law Firm, Arizona’s Expungement Attorneys, to set up an appointment to get your application to the front of the line.

Marijuana Charge Expungement Lawyer In Arizona
What can Dove Law Firm Do for You?
Dove Law Firm offers a no-pressure, comfortable environment to discuss your case. Our Arizona Expungement attorneys will provide a free consultation and go into detail about your case. If you prefer, we can send all questionnaires, forms, and documents by email, making it a seamless and easy process.
We will inform you as to whether you qualify to have your record erased and what needs to be completed to do so. Our marijuana case-related professionals will prepare all paperwork, file it with the appropriate court and prosecutor and then attend any hearings necessary to address your case.
Book a free consultation today. Call 1 (877) DOVELAW to receive a no obligation consult with an Arizona Expungement attorney to assist you with your Marijuana case. We are happy to set you up on affordable payment plans so that when the law goes into effect you will be first in line to erase your marijuana criminal record.
Marijuana Expungement Defense Attorney In Arizona
In the face of the legalization of recreational marijuana for adults in Arizona, many who have been convicted of possession of marijuana in the past have had their lives greatly affected due to the stigma that a marijuana conviction can bring. That is why we aim to help those with their marijuana expungement needs. Dove Law Firm has a team of trusted drug defense lawyers in Arizona who are committed to helping you get your life back on track with marijuana expungement representation from our top-rated lawyers.
Proposition 207 Would Not Authorize a Person To:
- Smoke marijuana in a public place or open space.
- The proposition will not change employers’ right to maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace.
- Operate any motorized form of transport while impaired to even the slightest degree by marijuana.
- Consume marijuana while operating or riding in the passenger compartment of any motorized form of transport.
- Provide marijuana to a person who is under 21 years of age.
A person would not be guilty of driving while under the influence, DUI, because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana in the person’s body unless the person was also impaired to the slightest degree. (Under current state statute ARS 28-1381, a person violates the DUI statutes when any drug and or vapor or its metabolite is present in the person’s body.) For more DUI information get in touch with our Mesa DUI Lawyers.

What are the Penalties of Violations to Proposition 207
Proposition 207 would establish penalties or offenses for certain actions, including:
1. Petty offenses punishable by a maximum fine of $300 and community restitution for: (a) Smoking marijuana in a public place. (b) Possessing more than one ounce but not more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana, including not more than 12.5 grams of marijuana concentrate (for example, hashish).
2. A civil penalty of not more than $100 for a first violation of underage use. The second violation would be a petty offense.
3. A petty offense for the first violation of unauthorized production (including growing marijuana plants subject to public view without the use of optical aids). The second violation would be a class 3 misdemeanor.
Affordable Arizona Marijuana Expungement Defense Lawyer
Dove Law Firm has a strong dedication to providing affordable Arizona marijuana expungement defense for those who have previous convictions. We seek to give you the best representation in Arizona and ensure that your rights and your freedoms are protected in light of Prop 207. With a stunning track record for success and a team of first class marijuana defense attorneys on your side, taking your first steps to removing marijuana convictions from your record starts with contacting Dove Law Firm.

AZ Marijuana Charge Expungement Defense Attorneys
The Arizona marijuana defense attorneys at Dove Law Firm are capable of helping expunge your marijuana convictions and ensure that your rights are protected!

Marijuana Charge Expungement Defense Lawyer in AZ
Our Arizona marijuana defense lawyers have five star reviews across the web, making us the most qualified team to help you get your weed charges expunged.

Free Consult for Marijuana Conviction Expungement
We are committed to giving you an affordable, cost effective experience every step of the way. Contact us today to get a free consultation for your marijuana expungement case.

Reviews for Marijuana Sentence Dismissal Attorney
Our #1 Arizona cannabis drug expungement and defense lawyers are experienced in helping residents throughout Arizona seek justice for their previous marijuana charges.

Marijuana Charge Dismissal Legal Help in Arizona
To get your marijuana charges dismissed in Arizona, it’s essential that you retain a trusted, five star rated Arizona pot lawyer to ensure that your rights are protected.

Five Star Rated Marijuana Sentence Pardon Lawyer
If you are serving a sentence for marijuana charges in Arizona, consult with our five star rated marijuana defense lawyers to help get your sentence pardoned.
Shawn Dove is Arizona’s Marijuana Expungement Attorney
Shawn Dove, Arizona’s Marijuana Expungement Attorney, provides excellent client communication with his clients. Dove Law Firm treats their clients with respect and calmly explains the legal process of new laws regarding expungement. Call us today for a free consultation. Call 1 877 DOVELAW to clean your record and enhance your life opportunities.

Get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you!
(480) 213-4489
Toll Free
(877) 368-3529
(480) 383-6298
2650 E Southern Ave Suite 201
Mesa, AZ 85204