Chandler City Criminal Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Shawn H. Dove of Dove Law Firm, PLLC
In the City of Chandler, excessive speeding could be charged as a criminal offense. Traveling at high speeds on the roads or highways of Chandler can be issued as a criminal ticket in the jurisdiction of Chandler Municipal Court. A criminal speeding charge is usually the driver’s first introduction to the Chandler court criminal system. The criminal arraignment court date is usually found on the bottom of the ticket, where you are asked to sign. It will state that you must appear at the Chandler Municipal Court, which is located at 200 E. Chicago Street, Chandler, Arizona 85225.
The arraignment hearing is where you will plead not guilty and a pretrial conference hearing will be set, usually about a month later. At the pretrial conference you will be presented the evidence against you, which is called discovery, and the plea offer will often be communicated from the Prosecutor.

Dove Love Firm is recognized by the following organizations

Different Several Ways to Receive a Criminal Speeding Ticket

Exceeding 85 miles per hour on any road or highway

Exceeding the posted limit by 20 miles per hour

Exceeding 35 miles per hour within a posted school zone

Exceed 45 miles per hour when there is not a marked speed limit
What Are The Penalties For An Excessive Speeding Conviction In the Chandler Municipal Court?
Jail Time
Classes Or Counseling
Criminal Record
Driver’s License Suspension
Fines And Fees
Higher Insurance Payments
Community Service
Top Chandler Municipal Court Criminal Speeding Ticket Attorney
Aggressive Chandler Municipal Criminal Traffic Lawyer Near Me
Being cited a Chandler criminal speeding ticket can negatively impact your life due to the criminal misdemeanor designation on your record. With help from our Arizona criminal defense lawyers and Arizona criminal speeding attorneys, we will provide you with the quality representation you deserve. The Chandler criminal defense attorneys at Dove Law Firm also provide Mesa DUI defense attorneys, as well as car accident lawyers in Arizona, and much more. Whether you need help with a Chandler City Court criminal speeding ticket or representation from one of our Mesa motorcycle accident attorneys, our Arizona personal injury and criminal defense lawyers at Dove Law Firm are proud to help you.

Affordable Speeding Ticket Defense in Chandler Arizona
Free Consultation With AZ Speeding Ticket Law Firm for the Chandler Municipal Court
Dove Law Firm offers free consultations for excessive speed tickets issued within the jurisdiction of the Chandler Court. We offer flat rates, and we offer payment plans for those that need it. We defend criminal speeding cases and are available to speak about your Chandler case at any time. There are no hidden costs with our firm, and we will treat you with respect. You will speak directly with a lawyer, not a paralegal or secretary throughout your case. Having represented hundreds of individuals in the Chandler Court gives us the experience that our clients deserve.
Questions & Answers On Arizona’s Criminal Speeding Laws
Your Professional Arizona Speed Traffic Criminal Lawyer

Does an Excessive Speed Conviction in the City of Chandler Result in a Criminal Record?
Yes, and it is permanent. A Chandler criminal speed conviction is not eligible for “expungement” in Arizona. This means you will always have a criminal record that is accessible to employers, agencies, schools, and institutions.

What MVD Penalties Are Assigned with a Chandler Criminal Speeding Tickets?
With each moving violation, Arizona’s Motor Vehicle Division, MVD, assesses points against your driver’s license. If you accumulate enough points, your license to drive in Arizona will be suspended. Excessive speed is a criminal charge, and if convicted, carries 3 MVD points that attach to your driving record. Once an individual accumulates 8 points in any 12-month period, they can face a 3-month license suspension. More points accrued will require a longer suspension. 13 to 17 points within a one-year period requires an additional 3-month suspension. 18 to 23 points, an additional 6 months and 24 points, an additional 12-month suspension.
You can request a copy of your driving record through the Arizona’s Department of Public Safety website, Service Arizona. To determine the number of points that you have on your license, fill out the MVD’s Driver License Motor Vehicle Record form.

Arraignment Court Date at City of Chandler Court After A Criminal Speeding Ticket
A Chandler Municipal criminal arraignment court date will be written on the speeding ticket. That arraignment date is where you will plead guilty or not guilty to the charges that you currently face. The arraignment leads to a pretrial conference hearing where you will be presented the evidence against you and the plea offer from the Prosecutor. Because criminal speeding is a Class 3 Misdemeanor you can face up to 30 days jail, 1-year probation, and $500 in fines plus surcharges. A Chandler city criminal ticket will remain on your record forever. Arizona does not have expungement laws, like other states, to help erase a mistake from your record. This charge could affect a future job, loan or application process.

When Can A Chandler Police Officer Ticket You With Excessive Speeding?
Under A.R.S. §28-702.02 excessive speed, otherwise known as criminal speed, outlines the elements required for a police officer to cite you for the offense. A.R.S. §28-702.02 states:
A. A person shall not:
- Exceed thirty-five miles per hour approaching a school crossing.
- Exceed the posted speed limit in a business or residential district by more than twenty miles per hour, or if no speed limit is posted, exceed forty-five miles per hour.
- Exceed eighty-five miles per hour in other locations.
B. A person who violates subsection A of this section is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.
C. A person charged with a violation of this section may not be issued a civil complaint for a violation of section 28-701 if the civil complaint alleges a violation arising out of the same circumstances.
Client Reviews & Testimonials
Five Star Reviewed AZ Traffic Criminal Defense Attorney
Dove Law Firm has five star reviews on Google, Yelp, and AVVO, providing the highest quality and most efficient Arizona DUI lawyers and criminal speeding representation for clients throughout the Valley. Getting the desired outcome and client satisfaction are our number one priorities, making us the most trusted Arizona personal injury law office and Chandler DUI lawyers in Arizona. We are committed to providing an excellent customer experience to ensure that you get the most effective traffic lawyers we can offer. From Arizona Marijuana attorneys to Mesa dog bite lawyers and criminal speeding attorneys, we can help ensure that your rights are protected and that you get the representation you deserve.
Shawn is a fantastic attorney! He is very knowledgeable and realistic with a great sense of humor. I am out of state and he went above and beyond to make sure things went smoothly and my case was dismissed, which it was! Sean answered all my questions, which were A LOT since I’ve never been to court before. I would definitely recommend.
★★★★★ Suzanne, Mesa
I was rear ended and immediately contacted Shawn at Dove Law Firm. He was quick to respond and ease my mind on what my next steps were. Throughout the process, he was on top of everything. I could reach out to him with any questions and they were immediately answered. I would have been lost without the assistance of Shawn throughout the process. He made everything way easier than had I just done this on my own.
★★★★★ Laura, Mesa
Shawn is one of the best attorneys I know, and I highly recommend Dove Law Firm for all of your related needs. Shawn is not only incredibly knowledgeable, he also truly cares about his clients. He is a great advocate for them and takes pride in his work. You cannot go wrong by choosing Dove Law Firm!
★★★★★ Brittany, Mesa
Local Criminal Traffic Lawyer in Chandler Municipal Court
Why Hire a Chandler Attorney for a Criminal Speeding Ticket in Arizona
You should always have an experienced Chandler Municipal Court attorney represent you in a criminal matter. Besides providing you with legal advice, an attorney will protect your constitutional rights. Having an experienced Chandler Court attorney by your side can increase your chance of resolving the matter in a positive manner. You will have all your questions answered and will feel comfortable knowing that everything we do is in your best interest. Chandler’s Criminal Speed attorney will provide the following:
- A Non-Obligation, Free Consultation
- Affordable Flat Rate and Payment Plans
- Direct Contact with an Attorney, Not a Legal Assistant
- Reliable Communication
- Friendly Environment
Chandler Municipal Criminal Speeding Tickets & Defensive Driving School

Can I Attend Defensive Driving School to Avoid a Criminal Speeding Conviction in Chandler Municipal Court?
Yes, but the ability to take driving school lies solely in the judge’s discretion. Those facing a criminal speeding charge are eligible to attend Defensive Driving School pursuant to A.R.S. §28-3392(A)(2); however, the judge must be convinced it is appropriate in your case. An attorney can be helpful in writing a custom motion and making oral arguments for the ability to take defensive driving.

Am I Eligible For Defensive Driving School After A Criminal Speeding Ticket?
Yes, so long as you have not completed Arizona’s Defensive Driving School within the prior year of the incident date. In addition, you are not eligible if you hold a commercial driver’s license.

Can I Take Driving School If Charged With Criminal Speeding in the City of Chandler Court?
This is a great option if the Judge or Prosecutor allows it. If the Defense attorney can convince the Prosecutor to offer driving school or if the Judge allows it, an individual in Arizona charged with criminal excessive speed can complete the course and in return have the case dismissed. Once the Chandler case is dismissed, the driver will not receive points on their record, their insurance will not increase in cost, and no criminal conviction will be entered on their record.

Is Defensive Driving School Offered If The Defendant Lives Out Of State?
Defensive Driving School can be taken online or in a classroom, even if the Defendant lives out of the State of Arizona. Most classes are taken online due to convenience.
Can I Take A Defensive Driving School Class A Second Time?
You can only take a Defensive Driving School class if you have not taken one in the last year. If it has been longer than a year, you should be eligible.

If I Live In Another State What Happens If I Ignore The Court Dates?
A ticket given out in Arizona for criminal speed must be dealt with in Arizona or it may result in tough consequences in your home state. Most states have an agreement between themselves stating that they will share motor vehicle related offenses with each other. This means that your State will likely learn of this violation and take actions against your license. If this happens, you will need to resolve the matter in Arizona before you are able to get things resolved with the agency that governs motor vehicles in your state.
Best Criminal Speeding Ticket Attorney In Chandler
Chandler’s Leading Criminal Speeding Lawyer
When you need to have a speeding ticket taken care of in the Chandler Municipal Court, consult with the Arizona criminal speeding ticket lawyers at Dove Law Firm. We are equipped to handle your Chandler criminal traffic ticket so that you do not risk a permanent mark on your record and possibly lose your license. For more information, contact Dove Law Firm today and schedule a free consultation.

Low Cost Chandler Criminal Speeding Attorneys Near Me
Dove Law Firm is proud to provide low cost criminal speeding attorney representation in Chandler Arizona to help ensure that your driving record remains clean. Contact the traffic lawyers and Mesa restraining order attorneys at Dove Law Firm!

Chandler’s #1 Choice Speeding Ticket Defense Attorneys
We are Chandler’s #1 speeding ticket defense lawyers who can help get you out from under the financial burden of a costly ticket. We also have Mesa car accident lawyers who can help with a variety of legal matters.

Average Cost for Chandler Criminal Speeding Defense Lawyers
Get affordable Chandler Court criminal speeding defense lawyers when you consult with the legal team at Dove Law Firm. Our goal is to help clients get their tickets taken care of with minimal repercussions and low fees.

Chandler Criminal Speeding Defense Attorney Legal Help
Our Chandler criminal speeding lawyers are here to help you with all of your legal needs including Arizona restraining order lawyers, DUI defense, Arizona criminal and civil litigation, and much more.

Read Reviews for the Chandler Speeding Ticket Defense Lawyer
Our City of Chandler traffic lawyers and speeding ticket defense attorneys can help with a variety of legal matters including Chandler restraining order attorneys who can help with all of your criminal defense and personal injury needs.

Chandler Criminal Speeding Law Firms Nearby With Payment Plans
We offer affordable criminal speeding representation with payment plans along with help from Arizona motorcycle accident attorneys and dog bite lawyers in Arizona. Get the affordable representation you deserve today.
If The Case Goes To Trial In The Chandler Municipal Court, What Must The State Prove For The Court To Find Me Guilty Of Criminal Speeding?
As in all criminal trials, the Chandler Prosecutor must prove that the Defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. To accomplish this task, the Prosecutor will normally subpoena the officer to testify about the speeding arrest. The Prosecutor will ask the officer to identify you in court, testify that you were traveling at a criminal speed according to A.R.S. §28-701.02 and testify that the crime occurred within the assigned area of the Chandler Municipal Court. There are three measurements that the State will use to estimate your speed: RADAR, LIDAR and pacing.

Police radar devices shoot a microwave beam towards your vehicle. Once it contacts a suspect’s vehicle the microwave will reflect to the Officer’s antenna which is translated into a digital display of Mile Per Hour.

Police LIDARS shoot infrared laser pulses from the device toward the suspected speeding vehicle. LIDAR works by measuring the laser light reflected off the vehicle from which the laser was shot. It measures the time it takes for the laser to reflect to the officer’s LIDAR. That information is translated into a digital reading of Miles Per Hour.

Pacing is usually accomplished by a police officer driving directly behind you while maintaining a consistent distance. Whatever the speed the officer’s odometer reads is the presumed speed of the suspect’s vehicle. The officer’s speedometer needs to be properly maintained and calibrated.

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(877) 368-3529
(480) 383-6298
2650 E Southern Ave Suite 201
Mesa, AZ 85204