Holiday gatherings are a wonderful time to get together with friends and family and celebrate various events. Whether you’re watching fireworks and cooking out or opening presents and drinking eggnog, practicing basic safety precautions is a great way for everyone to enjoy the celebration and create happy memories.

Unfortunately, not everyone is diligent in practicing safety protocols, and that can sometimes lead to an unhappy accident. Injuries may be minor or severe, which can not only ruin the celebration but can lead to costly medical bills and a painful recovery. If you are injured in an accident that was the result of someone’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, and a personal injury or car accident attorney can help you.

With any kind of holiday celebration, alcohol can be involved and accidents can happen. If you have been injured in a car accident after a holiday event, here are some steps to take:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Regardless of what kind of accident you’re involved in, you should always seek immediate medical attention. It’s in your best interest to be checked out by a medical professional even if you think your injuries are minor. Your health can degrade over time, and symptoms from an injury aren’t always instant. 

Because of the adrenaline after a car accident, you may not even feel your injuries until later on. Waiting to seek medical attention could harm your claim for compensation, raising suspicion with the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim. They will be led to believe that your injuries aren’t that serious or that they didn’t originate from the accident in question. 

Document and Capture Everything

To ensure that you get full compensation with help from a car accident lawyer in Arizona, it’s critical that you document everything. This includes taking photos of your own injuries, the accident scene, keeping any paperwork relating to car repairs and medical bills. Everything is essential, and nothing should be left to chance. 

Don’t Sign Unknown Paperwork

Part of the claims process after a car accident includes the other party’s insurance company contacting you. This is standard procedure, but you are never obligated to speak with them, especially if you haven’t spoken with your Mesa car accident lawyer yet.

These insurance adjusters are specialists in their fields, and their specialty is saving their company money. This results in them bullying injured victims so that they will accept less money than they would typically deserve for severe or catastrophic injuries. In dire circumstances, they could attempt to have you sign paperwork and release forms that free them from liability. It’s always a good idea to consult with your accident injury lawyer before the other party’s insurance agency has a chance to get to you.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

After getting immediate medical attention and documenting everything properly, it’s best that you consult with a trusted accident lawyer in Arizona who can help you. Being injured in a car accident, especially on a holiday, is not only stressful but sometimes catastrophic. With the number of motorists on the road, alcohol involved, and other factors like rain, and in rare cases ice, your chances for being involved in an accident are greatly increased.

Having a qualified car accident and personal injury lawyer on your side is essential to helping you get the compensation you deserve. They are specialists in handling insurance companies and dealing with all the paperwork necessary to make sure that the insurance company doesn’t take advantage of you and prevent you from seeking the restitution because of someone else’s negligence.

Because injuries sustained in a car accident can become even more severe over time, so your initial medical costs may seem low at the time, but things like plastic surgery, physical therapy, and other treatments can rack up an even more astronomical medical bill. With a Mesa motorcycle accident lawyer on your side, getting the help you need is easy.

Dove Law Firm is committed to helping people just like you who have been injured in accidents, whether that is a car accident or a backyard accident at a simple celebration. We have a team of experienced personal injury lawyers who are ready to help you get the compensation you deserve for all that you have suffered from your injuries. Contact Dove Law Firm to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury attorney and learn more about your rights and legal options. 

This blog is purely for marketing purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.

Dove Law Firm, PLLC

Arizona Injury Lawyer
2650 E Southern Ave Suite 201
Mesa, AZ 85204

Office: 480-213-4489

Arizona Criminal Defense Lawyer
2650 E Southern Ave #125
Mesa, AZ 85204

Office: 877-368-3529

Arizona DUI Lawyer
2650 E Southern Ave #311
Mesa, AZ 85204

Office: 602-755-6512

By Published On: August 17th, 2020Categories: Uncategorized

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