Managing Bribery Accusations: Legal Guidelines & Defense Strategies in Arizona

There are a variety of white collar crimes in Arizona that you can be accused and charged with including bribery. Bribery occurs when an individual offers something of value to someone who has power to influence actions or decisions. Both you and the individual who accepts a bribe can be accused.  

You may wonder, what if the individual offers something of value to someone in power out of good will without expecting something in return? This is not bribery. If you are accused of bribery, it is taken very seriously and is handled by both the state and federal court. There are several forms of bribery and the penalties are hefty which is why it is important to contact a Mesa defense lawyer to determine what defenses are available. 

A lawyer at Dove Law Firm writes notes, a gavel, and scales of justice on the table, focusing on defense against bribery charges

How to Respond if Accused of Bribery in Arizona: Legal Insights

In Arizona, bribery can take several forms, each defined and addressed under state law. The primary forms of bribery recognized in Arizona, which are pivotal in criminal case results, are as follows:

  • ARS 13-2602- Bribery of Public Servants or Party Officers: Offering, conferring, or agreeing to confer any benefit upon a public servant or party officer with the intent to influence their vote, opinion, judgment, exercise of discretion, or other action in their official capacity. This also pertains to those accepting, agreeing to accept, or soliciting the same.
  • ARS 13-2605- Commercial Bribery: Offering, conferring, or agreeing to confer any benefit upon an employee, agent, or fiduciary without the consent of the employer or principal with the intent to influence the employee’s, agent’s, or fiduciary’s conduct in relation to their employer’s or principal’s affairs. This also pertains to those accepting, agreeing to accept, or soliciting the same. 
  • ARS 13-2606- Bribery of Participants in Contests: Offering, conferring, or agreeing to confer any benefit upon a participant in a publicly exhibited contest to induce them to refrain from exerting their full skill and effort in the contest. This also pertains to those accepting, agreeing to accept, or soliciting the same.
  • ARS 13-2607- Sports Bribery: Similar to bribery of participants in contests but specifically related to sports, where the bribe is intended to influence the outcome of a sports event or the actions of athletes and officials involved in the event. 
  • ARS 13-2603- Bribery of Judicial Officers: Offering, conferring, or agreeing to confer any benefit upon a judge, juror, or other judicial officer with the intent to influence their decision in a case. This alo pertains to those accepting, agreeing to accept, or soliciting the same. 

Understanding these forms of bribery and their legal implications is important for individuals and businesses to ensure compliance with the law and to uphold ethical standards in various professional and public contexts. If you are accused of bribery, however, a Mesa defense lawyer can help. 

Understanding the Legal Consequences of Bribery in Arizona

Bribery in Arizona is considered a serious offense and can result in significant legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment. The severity of the penalties typically depends on the nature of the bribery, the parties involved, and the specific circumstances of the case. It also helps to have a good Mesa defense attorney who can put together a solid defense for you. The penalties associated with various forms of bribery under Arizona law are:

  • Bribery of Public Servants or Party Officers: This is a class 4 felony. The penalties include imprisonment ranging from 1-3.75 years for first-time offenders, fines of up to $150,000, and possible probation and community service.
  • Commercial Bribery: This is a class 5 felony. The penalties include imprisonment ranging from 0.5-2.5 years for first-time offenders, fines of up to $150,000, and possible probation and community service. However, if the value of the benefit is less than $1,000 then the penalties are less severe.
  • Bribery of Participants in Contests: This is a class 5 felony. The penalties include imprisonment ranging from 0.5-2.5 years for first-time offenders, fines of up to $150,000, and possible probation and community service. Similar to commercial bribery, the penalties are less severe if the benefit values less than $1,000.
  • Sports Bribery: This is a class 5 felony. Penalties include imprisonment ranging from 0.5-2.5 years for first-time offenders, fines of up to $150,000, and possible probation and community service. 
  • Judicial Bribery: This is a class 4 felony. Penalties include imprisonment ranging from 1-3.75 years for first-time offenders, fines of up to $150,000, and possible probation and community service. 

Effective Legal Defenses Against Bribery Charges in Arizona

When you’ve been accused of bribery, it is crucial to find a Mesa defense attorney to help determine your best defenses. Defending against bribery charges involves a variety of legal strategies, depending on the specifics of the case. Here are some common defenses used in bribery cases:

  • Lack of Intent: One of the key elements of a bribery charge is the intent to influence a public official or other relevant parties. A defense may argue that the accused did not have the requisite intent to corruptly influence the actions of another person.
  • Entrapment: To establish entrapment, the defendant must show that the idea for committing the crime originated with law enforcement, that they were coerced into committing the crime, and they were not predisposed to commit the crime prior to the government’s involvement. 
  • Insufficient Evidence: The prosecution must prove every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. A Mesa defense attorney may argue that the evidence presented is insufficient to meet this standard. 
  • Coercion or Duress: If the defendant can demonstrate that they were coerced or forced into committing the bribery under threat of harm, they may have a viable defense. 

When You Need a Skilled Mesa Defense Attorney, Get in Touch With Our Firm.

At Dove Law Firm, our experienced legal team specializes in handling bribery cases, providing personalized and aggressive representation to protect your rights. We understand the complexities of Arizona’s legal system and are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients.

Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you navigate your legal challenges.

This blog is purely for marketing purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.

Dove Law Firm, PLLC

Arizona Injury Lawyer
2650 E Southern Ave Suite 201
Mesa, AZ 85204

Office: 480-213-4489

Arizona Criminal Defense Lawyer
2650 E Southern Ave #125
Mesa, AZ 85204

Office: 877-368-3529

Arizona DUI Lawyer
2650 E Southern Ave #311
Mesa, AZ 85204

Office: 602-755-6512

By Published On: June 14th, 2024Categories: Expungement Attorneys

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